Sunday, January 20, 2008


By Pastor Peter Tan

Turn to I Cor. 15: 39-44 For not all flesh is alike, but there is one kind for men, another for animals, another for birds, and another for fish. There are celestial bodies and there are terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for star differs from star in glory. So is with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable, what is raised is imperishable. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual body.

Mind the words in verse 41 which says that there is one glory of the sun another of the moon, another glory of the stars. Then he says one star differs from another in its various stages of glory. We know that from the natural viewpoint of science that stars have inherent temperatures. There are blue stars, red stars and all the different types of stars in their various states of heat and the light that they bring forth. And that is compared to the glory of God upon our physical body and upon our lives.

Sadhu Sundar Singh has been into the spiritual realm many times. He says that the flowers, the trees, the rocks and all the creation of God that is in the heavens have a certain form of glory. And he says that from each of these creation there is some thing that emanate from them to the beholder that causes the one who looks at these things to want to praise God, to want to bless and worship God. And that’s the glory of God that is upon the creation in heavens. There is also a glory of God on this planet earth too. But the terrestrial glory is lesser than the celestial glory that is the heavenly glory.

This morning we want to consider a point that we will entitle as the uniqueness of each person and individual lives that God has created. God has created every single individual special in His sight. And each of us is to radiate and to bring forth a particular aspect of God himself. Even among stars as Paul says there are different differing glories. And even among redeemed men there are different created glories that each one of them is destined to bring forth.

So to start off the subject let me quote from some books of account of people who have been to heaven who point to the fact that the each human being have different faculty that God has created. They are different and special and unique to them. In other words all of us have gift, talents and personalities that God has especially given to us. Satan can never create. He can only steal from that which God has and use it for himself. But Satan can never create; he can only pervert. All the gifting that men has, men have received it from God. Of course men has some times used the same gifts that God has given to make some thing evil out of it. But originally it was not meant that way. So things that are positive can be twisted by the enemy or devil and turned into a negative thing.

Here is an account of a person by the name of Marietta Davis. When she visited heaven she was taken to children paradise for a visit. And in children’s paradise there are children who have gone to be with the Lord and some times small little infants who have gone to be with the Lord. I am sure you know that there are millions fetus have been aborted and these are human beings. And each on them are carried into heaven where they are schooled and trained and brought up in heaven. So here is a particular place in paradise where she was taken by the angel to visit. And she describes this place here.

As we advanced I perceived before me a vast and complicated structure, whose outer walls and towers appeared in a form of marbles that was in appearance delicate as snow. This served as a foundation of a vast canopy like a dome, though it was far too extended to be expressed in earthly architectural terms.

What she saw was a dome that was too huge to architecturally be classified as an earthly dome. It was beyond earthly architecture.

We drew near this building and I perceived that the dome was suspended over the vast circular plain. This says my guide is a place where all infants from your globe I gathered for the instructions. There infants are first conducted and then nourished beneath the smile of the guardian angel. Each nursery though somewhat varying is a miniature of this vast temple of instructive manifestation. And each one is a home for the infant spirit to enter there until they attain to higher degrees and enter the paradise of more advance useful existence.

For degrees of instructions adapted to a more intellectual conditions. Then the angel says whenever an infant dies on earth, the angel guardian who bears up the spirit to the land of peace, perceive its interior type of mind. And according to its type it is classed with others of like order of intelligence. And as the skillful gardener on earth in one flora division trains the various species of the lily in another department roses, so here angelic wisdom classify the infant spirit. And according to their variety of artistic, scientific, social tendency assign each a home. That’s adapted to its unfolding of its interior germs of life into intellectual artistic or industrial harmony.

No. 1 we realize that there are many different types of mind as well as personality. We all know that by the various professions that are there in the natural world, some of us in this life may not be fully where God wants us to be, maybe because in this life you have to do some thing to earn a living. Imagine an environment where you don’t have to work for your food, clothing or shelter. If you don’t have to do all those things and everything is provided, probably some of us would be doing some thing else. And in heaven it’s like that with food, clothing shelter taken care of. And all we have to do is to let the gift of God in our life develop to be who God wants us to be.

But the point we want to make note of here is that there are different types of human personality or mind that God has created. And in heaven they classify them into all those various groupings. On earth we just push them to a primary education and only in the secondary is some simple classification into arts or science and as they go along there are more and more divisions. But from infancy the angel could see what the gifting is in this child and straight away begin to train them accordingly. Some of these classifications you can find in the series on the mind of Christ where we talked about the 5 rivers of wisdom. In each flow of the river it produces different things. Some people are athletic, some are others are more technical and scientific; others are musical. So these are all what I call the different rivers of wisdom that God has in each one of our lives.

The reason for this series is a sort of bring us to a point where we are more open or we have more knowledge of the things of heaven. So that when God began to manifest and reveals the heavenly things we can have some scriptures to compare to those things that He has revealed to us in His Word. Therefore having looked at all these things of God we realize that its because of what God wants us to be that He gives us different ability to function and to bring Him glory. Therefore the one with great intellectual ability cannot boast because that ability also came from God. The one with great skill and talent, music or in art cannot boast because that ability came from God as a result of God’s destiny in their life. God has a plan for each one of us to bring forth certain talent and gifts in our life. Chronologically it is God who chooses us first. And then He has a destiny in our life. Based on that destiny and His will He gives us the talents, the gifts and the ability. So it is not the other way. It is not because of His gift, His talents and His impartation to your life then that determine His will for you. It’s His will and because of His will He imparts these gifts and talents and then you function in them.

On earth today some times we do the reverse. Many people don’t know what God’s will is in their life. However knowing talents, gifts and abilities that God gives us have to do with His will, we start from there to discover His will. We work backwards. Though we work backwards remember that the will is not based on the gifts and the talents but rather the gifts and talents are based on the will of God.

To clarify that point I want to bring forth another quotation from the book “Angels on Assignment” by Roland Buck. Here is an instance of him being taken to heaven. When he went to heaven God took him to the throne room where God’s data is kept.

In answer to my question during this visit he says God truly gave me a glorious glimpse of the hidden secrets of the universe of matter, energy, nature and space, all bearing the same beautiful trademark. As He gave me this dazzling over layer of truth He added a new beauty and unity to the entire bible, which I previously did not have. Certain biblical truths, which I have seen darkly were now perfectly clear. And I could see how all the pieces fit together in what God was doing. How does a human ask question of God. It was so awesome being in His presence I could hardly think. Finally a thought came into my mind. To find out whether or not He actually made individual plans for each and every life.

He wanted to ask God that question.

Because for some reasons or other I felt this task will be too big even for God. Individual plans for individual life. In answer to my question God let me see the vastness of His heavenly archives. My head swam. Here was no way my finite mind could understand how God could keep track of this files. There must be billions of them. He said since you are overwhelmed by this and it staggers you let me pull out one that you may relate to. And He immediately pulled out my file. He would not let me see the contents of it. But He mentioned a few of the future items listed which I could use as a confirmation of this visit. Then He did a very surprising thing. He wrote 120 events, which He said will happen in my life in the future. The information just suddenly appeared I did not even need to read it. But right now I can tell you everything and that is the author at that time of his writing I could tell you every thing that was on that paper, because it was instantly impressed in my mind like the printing press prints on paper. The press doesn’t have to read what is imprinted. In the same way every notation was burned into my mind and its still there. Even though I have this knowledge God also let me know that He did not want me to reveal any of these things until such time as He would release me to share.

Right now as you are sitting here God knows exactly the day you go home to be with Him if you don’t live till Jesus comes. He knows everything of your life, every moment you are going to fail Him and every moment that you are going to succeed. That is why it is not so much God having to write our names in the book of life. But its more whether the names are blotted out of the book of life. It’s all written there. Its not the day you are born again God writes your name there. Before you are even created your name and your file was there. The only thing that needs to be done is the blotting out, not the putting in. But God did some thing else.

God pulled out another file for him. It says here, the Lord said let me show you someone else’s record. He pulled out the file of King Cyrus and reminded me of the last verse of Isa. 44 and the first 5 verses of chapter 45. He allowed me to see the record books and also His blueprint for many lives. One book was that of the apostle Paul. He revealed that he will be used to bring the gospel to kings, rulers and men of authority. For this reason God gave him a bigger brain capacity than normal. And because he was more brilliant He caused him to study under the greatest teacher of his days. Paul was finally being tutored by Gamaliel the most outstanding teacher of that time. God has chosen Paul to write the epistles His plan for the church and His body. So He prepared him for his task.

Notice here even brain capacities were gift from God. So in the end when we all stand in God’s presence nobody can boast. Not a single person can boast. Even those who reach to millions of souls as a part of God’s perfect will in their life got nothing to boast. All of us were only able to say Father God we have done every thing you commanded us to do. But in this world people honor the brilliant, people honor different achievements without realizing that all these were gifts of God. Not a single one of us can boast in any area whether natural ability, whether it be spiritual gifts or talents in our lives. Not a single one of us could boast. It is because of what God has designed for your life like apostle Paul. It’s because God planned for him to write the New Testament. God planned for him to bring forth those truths to the church. Therefore God gave him certain natural ability. For he needs to have comprehension of human vocabulary and languages. God gave him certain talents. God puts him in certain places so that he will be trained to do God’s will. As we all study the background of our lives possibly we realize that there are a lot of things has taken place in our lives has a part and parcel of what God is training us to be and to do.

One more record He gave me. It says, God gave me a peep into Abraham and Sarah record. I saw records of Abraham and Sarah’s hospitality to strangers. They have real feelings for those who are less fortunate than they.

There are some things that are important to God that He records that we may not realize. Those little times that you give a lift to somebody. Those times that you took food for somebody who need food. Those times that you encourage somebody who needs encouragement. All these things that go unrecorded God records. Those times when you may be transporting people to church. These things are in the records.

Here is Abraham and Sarah. Those little records of how Abraham loved to help strangers were not recorded in the bible. When he finds them he feeds them and helps them. The moment he saw the 3 strangers he ran to them to serve them. If that was his natural man and training you realize that he must have done it to many others. Any revelation that God brings forth cannot contradict the Word. What it does is that it will point to some thing that is already there but your never notice before. Any revelation that is against the Word has to be rejected. These things we bring forth to you to show that the most important thing in our life is not doing those things that we humanly deem to be important alone. But the most important in our life is to be, to do, what God wants us to be and do. If God chose you to travel to 100 nations then go. If God didn’t choose you to travel to 100 nations then don’t go. Just find your place in God and do it with all your heart to serve God in that area. It’s not important whether you are well known whether you are extremely wealthy or whether you have been round the world. It’s more important that you have done the right thing with the right heart in the right place in the right time.

Now the point that we want to bring forth here is the uniqueness of the plan that God has in our life. He plans for each one of us to bring forth different aspects of His gifts and glory. So that in the end some of us are eyes, some are hands, some are legs and in the end all of us bring forth the beauty of uniqueness of who and what God plans us to be. In the bible we find records of people who fail to meet up or match up with what God wants them to do. Although God plans, we still have a free will. That’s where we need to be very careful to flow with the unique plan that God has for our life. You can make a choice in your life but make sure that the choices are more and more into the perfect plan of God in your special life. Each one of you is special to God.
That’s the message that God wants you to have.

Lets look at Rom. 12:3-4 For by grace given to me I bid every one among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith which God has assigned him. For as in one body we have many members, and all the members do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

Its no point for God creating one to be the eye and be the leg and the leg wants to be the eye and the eye wants to be the leg. Imagine if your leg wants to be the eye. It would have a worm’s eye view so hard to see where you are going. If your eyes are at the end of your toes, try walking. The eyes are placed on your head to give you a better view of where you are going. So each one have our function in God.

Verse 5 So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, le us use them; if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; he who teaches, in his teaching; he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who contributes, in liberality; he who gives aid, with zeal; he who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.

We need to read one more scripture in Matt. 6:9 Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Gives us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

In verse 10 it says Your kingdom come Your will be done. I want to focus on just one phrase Your will be done. We are speaking about God’s will in our individual life. The word done in the Greek is not the normal word for done. In English the word done speaks about some actions that are to take place. It emphasizes the part of doing. In the Greek the emphasis is not on the doing. In the Greek the word done is from the root word genomai; actually it’s translated as become or beget. The same Greek word which Matt. 1 says so and so beget so and so. It’s the word of birthing.

We understand why the translators find it hard to bring it forth because if you were to do it in English it says, Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be born. See it doesn’t convey to our trained mind the full meaning of what God is saying. It sounds so ridiculous in the English language. So they chose the word done thinking its smoother. But yet when they did it they miss out a whole revelation in the word become, or beget. Your will be born, your will become. Your will is birthed in our lives. So the will of God is not just a doing. The will of God is a being, something that is born on our inside. Your will is born, is become in our life.

The will of God is not pictured as a set of instructions given to you. Although when Paul taught about God’s promises to our life, he illustrated as the promises of God as His will. Just as someone who wrote his or her will to pass on the inheritance to the benefactors, the will, in our English concept, is some thing written and you read it like all the instructions there. But the will of God is not in that form. The will of God is not in section 1, section 2, subsection i etc. The will of God is a seed in our life. And because that will is a seed the secret of doing God’s will is first being where God wants you to be and letting that being flow out from your life. The will of God is more a seed and you just let that seed grow.

Understanding God’s will is allowing that seed to come forth in our life, to let it grow on our inside. The practical application will be like this; many of us struggle to do God’s will. We wonder what is God’s will the next year or this year and we struggle not knowing what God wants us to do. We always think of the will as a piece of paper. We never think of God’s will as a seed that you eat. And because of that it limits us. Many people struggle, what does God wants me to do? The doing is the emphasis and therefore there is a struggle and they lose the whole meaning. The will of God is not the doing; but is the becoming.

How do I make sure that I would be perfectly doing God’s will in 5 years time? How do I assure myself of that? The practical application is here that right now at this point of time in your life just do and be whatever God wants you to be and do. What does God wants you to do today that you know it’s right. There are a lot of people called to the ministry and they are so worried about being an evangelist, so worried about being an apostle, pastor, teacher, prophet, that they forgot what to do now. And all their planning is what they are going to do in 5 years’ time. They forgot that the most important thing is to do whatever they need to do right now. And if they would faithfully do whatever they know is what God wants them to do right now, even though it doesn’t seem to be related to their evangelist calling 5 years later, it will bring them to the place where God wants them to be. In other words they will become the will of God. The will is not so much doing one step at a time but becoming one step at a time. We have to faithfully know and discern what is the right thing that we should do right now. If it’s to pray, then pray. If it’s to worship, then worship. If it’s being in a certain fellowship be there. And as we are faithful in becoming whatever and wherever God wants us to be, the will of God will become in our life. Not the doing but the becoming.

Rom. 12:1-2 I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God. Have you notice that? The will of God is related to the transformation of your life. It is not just related to a piece of paper. The will of God become in our life more than it is done in our life. As you become whatever God wants you to become the will is done. What you become you will be able to do. You can’t help doing what you are. So when you become the right thing you will be able to do the right thing.

To further bring that truth into greater depth and application. Lets look at just one life but you can apply it to many lives. Lets look at the will of God for David. Now David was just a shepherd boy. He himself does not know that one day he would be king; neither did his father nor his brothers. But since he was a mere shepherd boy in that time or place at the particular moment let him be a faithful shepherd boy. Instead of sitting there with all the sheep around taking care of the sheep he says, “I am going to be king one day. Let me plan what I am going to do when I am king.” When he is planning all these things lions may eat his sheep. If he neglected his flock while a shepherd-boy, he will surely neglect Israel, his real flock when he becomes the shepherd-king. But David didn’t worry about his future. Have you not heard what Jesus said do not worry about your future. You don’t have to lean on your own understanding or your planning but let the will of God become in you, be and do faithfully what God wants you to do.

So David if he is a shepherd boy he will do it to the best of his ability. David as a shepherd boy took care of the sheep very well. He will not let a single sheep be stolen by a bear or by a lion. And David learnt to use the sling. He didn’t learn to use the sling the moment he was born. He acquired it, he learnt it as part of his job as a shepherd boy. Besides that as a shepherd boy he learnt music and played a harp. Now the will of God wants him to be king and shepherd over all of Israel and God was training him. Although he can’t see God training him, God was training him. None of us can see God training us. God’s training is not just your bible school. God’s training is in your entire life. We cannot see God’s training us but God is. God was training him to be king. He was not training him to be king by sending him to the school for princes. He was there as a shepherd boy. There was many times when his life was in danger. When a lion got a sheep, he killed that lion and freed the lambs. I don’t think that it was an instant achievement. Maybe he started slowly and he learnt to overcome his fear. Slowly he overcome the fear in his life until one day he says before king Saul that the God who helped me fight the lion and the bear is the same God who help me fight against Goliath. His confidence was built because he was faithful. It was God’s will for him to slay Goliath. But his success with Goliath depends on his shepherd’s life. Plus David was a highly trained musician. But he did it all in the meadows with his sheep. When nobody could see him he was worshiping God with his musical instrument. And one day when there was a need and king Saul had a problem with depression. And he sent out couriers looking for a musician to play. And somebody said David the son of Jesse is a skillful musician. And David was brought before king Saul and from that day forward he was always with king Saul. Now look how near he was to being king. He is now geographically located within a king’s palace. Because he was faithful in whatever he was. See we don’t have to worry about the future. Just be faithful to do whatever God ask you to do and you will become whatever God wants you to be.

We realize that the will of God in each one of us is more in becoming. Being faithful to do whatever you are doing without worrying about where your future is. Too many people spend their time worrying about the future so much that they become ineffective today and they live and die without even entering God’s will. So don’t worry about the future. The will of God become as you are faithfully doing whatever God wants you to do. Maybe it’s just a home fellowship and you just faithfully do that. The doors and the opportunities that God gives comes as the Spirit brings it forth in His time like He does in king David’s time. And God will arrange it in such a way that you never dream of it. David did not go to the camp to slay Goliath. He went to the camp to deliver provisions for his brother. Just as God arranged for Paul to be brought under Gamaliel God will in His own way arrange for you to be in the right place at the right time if right now you are doing the right thing in the right time. This frees us from many of the worries that people have. When the preacher preach get into God’s will and we all get so worked up that we become ineffective to what God wants us to do. We just have to pray and determine in our heart what does God wants us to do now. Don’t worry about the future if you cannot be faithful in the present. And if you are faithful to the present you never have to worry about the future because you are faithful with the present. Some people are so bogged up in the past that they can’t move in their present or future. Some people are so bogged up in the future that they cannot do whatever they need to do in the present. If we are faithful to be, to do what ever God wants us to be and do today in our life, you will become whatever God wants you to become.

No. 1 the will of God is a seed. It’s a becoming process and not so much line upon line, precepts upon precepts. Revelation and understanding come that way but the will of God comes in a different way.

Lets look of Rom. 12. Now the process of becoming I just list down the points further pray in that area.

Rom. 12 although it applies to one of the gifts but its important in verse 6. No. 1 the process of becoming is No. 1 in proportion to our faith. You cannot please God in any area without faith. Which explains why people who get into the Word and get into the prayer tend to get into God’s will more. It is a common factor in whatever gifts or whatever calling, whatever talent you have whether it’s a call in music or a call to five fold ministry the faith must be there. And it’s the growth of faith that determines the gifting in our life. Rom. 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

No. 2 the becoming process is a mental process. It’s a mental process of having our minds renewed in God. If our mind is filled with junk we are hindered from becoming whatever God wants us to be. So No. 1 is faith in the becoming process. No. 2 it has to do with our mind. You can have the best talents the best gifts but you can never enter into God’s perfect will if your mind is not renewed. When God freed the Israelites from Egypt because Egypt was still in their minds they missed God’s will. So we must get Egypt out of our minds, Egypt out of our thoughts. King Saul was placed in a position of king but because his mind was not renewed he always operated in the wrong area and therefore he missed God’s will. And he did God’s will for some time but in the end he fell out of God’s will. So No.2 the renewal of the mind is important.

No. 3 II Cor. 3:17-18 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into His likeness from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. No. 3 is proportion to the transformation of glory in your life. No.1 through faith. No. 2 the renewal of the mind. No. 3 to the glory of God in your life. Each one of us carries a measure of God’s glory and presence. If that glory is increased in our life we are more enabled to become whatever God wants us to become. We all receive proportional measure of glory. Like Moses although he had known God one day he came to the stage when he says God show me your glory. And when God showed him His glory there was a difference in the relationship of God in his life. God relates to you at the point of glory. And it’s important for us to seek after the glory and the presence of God in our life. All of us know what God’s presence is. But we need to hunger even more for God’s presence. We need to desire for more of His glory. Which is why I love this revival prayer meeting because you can just be in the presence of God and you could just press deeper and deeper with greater hunger for more of the presence of God. And as the presence of God and the glory of God increase in your life it is just like putting fertilizer into the ground into the seed that is growing and it just blossoms. So there are 3 processes of becoming in our life into whatever gift and talent the God has for our life. Ultimately it’s Rom. 8 we are all transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. Everything that we do whatever we are the whole story behind it is that God may receive that glory. That our lives may bring others to worship God. Our lives will bring others to love God more. Our lives are to bring others to thank God. That our lives will cause more worship to rise up to God. That is the whole purpose in our life.

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