Sunday, January 20, 2008


By Pastor Peter Tan

Heb. 6:5 And have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come. What are these powers of the age to come? Some of them are manifested as the gifts of the Spirit. These are things that are common in heaven but they are uncommon here. On this earth ever since man fell into sin we have lived more or less in the natural world although we are a spirit being. But when we are born again we experience something of the supernatural world. So there are powers of the age to come that we can experience even while on this earth.

Lets look at Col. 3:1 If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Having been risen with Christ as Eph. 2 declares we will be raised up and seated in the heavenly places with Him. How do we maintain our position? Now here is the key that tells us how to maintain our position in Christ. Col. 3 verse 2 Set your minds on things above, not on things on the earth. If we do not know what things are above, how can we set our mind on them? You can’t have a blank mind thinking a blank thing. To set your mind on some things you have to have some ideas of what these things are. Which is why we are talking about the things of heaven in this teaching series so that we know what God wants for us to experience in part on this earth.

This morning we want to talk about the power of angels. In heaven one of the things you see is the multitude of angels that are there. God has assigned angels different special tasks. And part of the heavenly realm is borne by these angels. 4 special creatures even surround God’s throne. There are many types of angels. Ministering angels, warring angels, messenger angels, transportation angels and there are so many types of angels that we may only have a glimpse of them in the Word of God. Yet these angels function in the plan of God on this earth. God designed the plan that He has in our life on earth with angels in mind. The moment a child is born an angel is assigned. And as we move into different gifting and ministry in our life more angels are assigned. And as you fellowship with God angels encamp about you. God designed your life to work with angels. Unless we know how to co-operate with the angels we will not be able to partake of that heavenly work of the angels while on this planet earth.

Lets read some scriptures about these angelic beings. Exod. 25:18 And you shall make two cherubim of gold; of hammered work you shall make them at the two ends of the mercy seat. Make one cherub on the one end, and one cherub on the other end; you shall make the cherubim at the two ends of it of one piece with the mercy seat. The cherubim shall spread out their wings above, overshadowing the mercy seat with their wings, their faces one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubim be.

If I were the craftsman I would look at Moses with a blank look and say, “Tell me what a cherubim looks like?” If you haven’t seen a cherub how do you make a cherub? Moses must have seen what the cherubim looked like. Even if Aholiab and Bezalel may not have seen it Moses would have tried to describe it to them what a cherub looks like for them to make the cherubim. Isn’t it interesting that there is only one piece of furniture in the Holy of holies in tabernacle of Moses? Unlike the Holy of holies in heaven have 2 pieces of furniture, where the altar of incense is brought into the holy of holies in the heavenly place. But on the Moses pattern they had to put it outside for they have to do some thing with it everyday, which they can’t if it was in the Holy of holies. So in the tabernacle of Moses in the Holy of holies there is only one piece of furniture. And its so holy that the high priest only sees it once a year where he comes in to bring the blood sacrifice for the whole nation on the Day of Atonement. This is on the 10th day of the 7th month just 10 days after the feast of trumpets.

And in that very place where we see the Shekinah glory dwells where nobody else can be, there is this big angel with 3 pairs of wings called the cherubim. I have done some cross-reference research on cherubim and seraphim. They have been used interchangeably in some places when you compare the account in Moses’ account and Ezekiel’s account and Isaiah’s account the same creature have been used interchangeably although some scholars think the cherubim and seraphim are 2 different types of angels. Whatever they are from descriptions in the bible they tell us that they have 3 pairs of wings, one that covers the face, one that fly and one seems to be showing the glory of God. They are different from the other angels. And they dwell in the most holy place. So angels do carry a degree of presence of God. And there is a tremendous power that they carry. It is so powerful that when these angels are allowed to be manifested on the earth without protection they can destroy. Whenever God wants to carry a work of judgment angels are involved. When He carries a work of redemption, mercy angels are involved. Remember the 2 angels that came down with God on the way to Sodom and Gomorrah. They have tremendous power when the people try to come against Lot they pulled Lot into the house and the glory blinded all the men.

Some times we think people like Jacob is the only man who could wrestle with an angel and win that wrestling match. It was because the angel chose a handicap in order not to destroy Jacob. You know what a handicap is? When I play chess and if you can’t play at the same level I will give you a free Bishop and then we play. So that’s a handicap. The angel did not use his full power with Jacob. Its just like some times we wrestle with children we don’t use the full strength. If you use the full strength of course they can never win you. How did we know? When Jacob was winning at the handicap level he just put out his finger and touch Jacob’s legs and his sinew and bone was affected. And for the rest of his life he had to limp. Just to tell you the angel didn’t wrestled at the same level. Why did the angel in the first place come down and play children’s sumo wrestling with Jacob? Jacob had been a wrestler all his life. He first started wrestling when he was in his mother’s womb. And God wanted to show him that the wrestling must come to an end on day. And that was the last wrestling he ever did in his life. From that day onward the bible tells us that the children of Israel never ate the sinew of the lamb. So we must remember that angels can come down to our level for a certain purpose alone.

Remember the time when God declared judgment on Jerusalem because of David’s fault. And just one angel swinging a sword caused thousands to die everywhere the angel stepped on. Although Hebrews tells us that God has made us in Christ with a position higher than the angels, it is only because we are in Christ Jesus. It is because of who Christ is. Man was made lower than the angels and it was only when Christ came that in Christ we are exalted to the right hand of God and became higher than the angels. However in our function on this earth even Jesus Himself at Gethsemane as He travailed needed an angel to strengthen Him. Remember how He cried in agony and the sweats dropped down as blood. An angel appeared and strengthened Him. So we still need their aid and their help.

In fact in the book of Exodus there is a lot of mention of angelic beings. Exod. 10-19 And the Lord said to Moses, “Go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments, and be ready by the third day; for on the third day the Lord will come down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. And you shall set bounds for the people round about, saying, “Take heed that you do not go up into the mountain or touch the border of it; whoever touches the mountain shall be put to death; no hand shall touch him, but he shall be stoned or shot; whether beast or man, he shall not live.” When the trumpet sounds a long blast, they shall come up to the mountain.” So Moses went down from the mountain to the people, and consecrated the people; and they washed their garments. And he said to the people. “Be ready by the third day; do not go near a woman.” On the morning of the third day there were thunders and lightning, and a thick cloud upon the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled. Then Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God; and they took their stand at the foot of the mountain. And Mount Sinai was wrapped in smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire; and the smoke of it went up like the smoke of a kiln, and the whole mountain quaked greatly. And as the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke and God answered him in thunder.

Remember in II Chronicles 5: 13 when the trumpeters and singers make one sound in praising and thanking the Lord, suddenly the glory of God manifested and filled the house of the Lord. That was what the Lord was leading Moses to do.

An angel of God woke me up on Friday night and told me about meeting and the revival that is coming and I like his last words “I will visit you again.” So the revival is coming forth and he told me several things. The angels said some of you are not ready for revivals and he listed 5 different areas.

No. 1 some people of God are listening to a lot of worldly music that belong to the devil, and it will prevent you from gaining God’s presence when revival comes.

No. 2 some families’ relationships are not correct. Husbands and wives are not speaking to one another.

No. 3 not faithful in finances. They have not been obeying God in the things that God tells them to do and what to do with their finances.

No. 4 there some people who are getting into videos and literature that are of this world. They are not sanctifying themselves.

No. 5 they are people who have sins of the mouth, backbiting, gossiping, and lies.

When the revival comes if you don’t deal with those things is a dangerous thing. Some will die; some will have judgment fall on their life. And things will happen that they don’t why it happens. Because when revival comes and you don’t get rid of those things it’s a dangerous thing. Isn’t that interesting that in chapter 19 as God was about to bring His presence. God told the people sanctify themselves for 3 days. And on the third day, He said, “I will come.” Please don’t take these words lightly sanctify yourselves for the revival. If you don’t take heed to these words its not our responsibility if the judgment of God comes. Because it’s a dangerous thing when God moves. Now there is a move of God coming. The prayer room is packed like sardines. As the move of God in prayer revival comes forth, it may spread to many other days and nights. Just flow along with what God is doing.

So here God brings His presence and then He spoke to His people and He adds this statement in chapter 23 of Exodus verse 20. Behold I send an angel before you to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place which I have prepared.

Although the presence of God was there in Moses’ ministry, basically an angelic ministry assisted Moses. Moses symbolizes an entire Old Testament. Angels brought his ministry forth. The book of Galatians tells us that the law was through angels through one mediator Moses. Jesus is a mediator of the new covenant. Let me turn to Galatians and read that to you so that we could establish that although sometimes angels speak in the first person as if God were speaking Himself, it is an angel of God who did the speaking. I know that some people try to put it as an appearance of Christ before His manifestation in the New Testament. But if you look carefully you also have the option of taking it as a mere powerful angel. Remember Exodus 3 where Moses saw the burning bush, the bible says it was the angel of the Lord that was in the burning bush. Although God was taking in the first person “I am the Lord, you are standing on holy ground,” yet it was an angel. Gal. 3:19 What purpose then does the law serve? It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was appointed through angels by the hand of a mediator.

That’s referring to Moses. He is talking about the law coming. So despite the great manifestations of God’s presence it was all the manifestation brought forth together by angels. Lets look back at Exod. 23 and what God said about this angel. Verse 21 Give heed to him and hearken to his voice, do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgression; for My name is in him. That doesn’t sound like Christ. It is not Christ. It is an angel. Remember what Jesus says if you say some thing wrong about the Son and the Father there is forgiveness but if you say something against the Holy Spirit there is no more forgiveness. He says do not provoke him he will not pardon your transgression for My name is in him. See God sent one special angel to reveal the name of God to Moses. That’s the angel that appeared to him in the burning bush.

And if we read from man’s history we will see how wonderful it was. If we read from man’s perspective about the history about God’s people we will hear the history about the man of God Moses born as a child raised up in Pharaoh’s court went into the wilderness for 40 years. Called by God; did the signs and wonders with the rod of God and let the people out of Egypt; cross the Red Sea; and you would have the history of the man of God.

Let’s view it from the spiritual dimension. From God’s perspective on heavenly record it is not only the history of man but the history of how God worked through the angel. In God’s record there is record of God sending the angel to Moses. Remember the difference between Moses going out into the desert when he was 40 years and when God called him when he was 80 years old. When he was 40 years he was headstrong and he was proud and God had to humble him. Not only was there a difference in Moses’ character and life, but do you know what the other difference was? When he was 40 years he tried to deliver the Israelites without the angel of God. Not only was his character needed to change, but his ministry also needed the assistance of an angel to arrive. Of course we know that when he was 80 years his character was different. But the other truth is that when he was 40 years there was no angel with him. It was not time yet for the angel to be sent to manifest to him when he was 40 years old. When he was 80 years the angel came at the burning bush. The burning bush was there and the angel was standing in the middle of that bush.

Exod. 3:2 And the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush. This was the angel whom God sent to Moses to reveal the name I Am that I Am. “My Name is in him,” God said. God sends angels with messages. And as the angel stood in the middle of the bush and called to Moses, it was frightening to Moses. Don’t you think it’s frightening when you drive down the highway and the bush or tree called out your name? The reason why I am teaching this is because when the angel comes you need to be ready. I will show you afterwards why if you are caught off guard you may miss it. When you look at history from God’s perspective, God sent a special angel to Moses. Now Moses had an assignment and a mission. He had the rod in his hand and the power of God and anointing of God. As he walked back into Egypt don’t see Moses just walking back. See the angel walk back with him. And when Moses stood before Pharaoh there was an angel with him. No wonder the devils were scared. If you took away the angel Moses’ history would be like the same as when he was 40 years old. The difference was because the angel was now with him and Moses learned to co-operate with that angel. When the angel came out God was going to let him see how this angel work with him even more.

In Exodus chapter 23:21-25 Give heed to him and hearken to his voice, do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgression, for my Name is in him. But if you hearken attentively to his voice and do all that I say, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries. When my angel goes before you and brings you in to the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusities, and I blot them out, you shall not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do according to their works, but you shall utterly overthrow them and break their pillars in pieces. You will serve the Lord your God, and I will bless your bread and your water and I will take sickness away from the midst of you. Look at all these blessings when you flow with that angel, the power of angels. When God speaks in this manner we think that when an angel comes you would automatically know. You need some teaching on that.

Let me share some account from Kenneth E. Hagin’s book, I Believe in Visions, chapter 6. Isn’t it wonderful to know that books really transmit God’s revelation? How many of you here have read books that changed your life? Books are an important part. It supplements what you are receiving in church. Good books will change your life. Bad books can destroy your life. And here he shares an account of an angel coming to visit him. It says here:

My fifth vision occurred in 1958 in Port Neches, Texas, while I was holding a revival meeting. One night as we were praying around the altar, a great spirit of prayer and intercession seemed to come upon the whole church. We prayed together for quite some time, and then I got up and sat in a chair on the platform.

One of the things that will happen in our revival meetings is that as we go into great prayer there will be a great manifestation of the Spirit. The angel told me that he will come and visit again. You see I have been obedient to bringing you the Word of God. Not only the teaching but the voice of what God is speaking today. This is the year of visitation and you have to be ready for His visitation. Which is the reason for this prayer meeting and we are encouraging everybody to come so that you don’t miss out on God’s visitation.

I was sitting there with my eyes open, singing in other tongues, when the Lord Jesus suddenly appeared on the platform - and about 3 feet behind Him stood an angel!

So in a prayer meeting Jesus appeared to him as he was sitting down praying and worshiping in tongues with his eyes open.

Jesus said to me, “I sent my angel to speak to you nearly one year ago out in California.” And in this passage he talked about the incident one year ago. Kenneth E. Hagin said, “I remembered the occasion and I remembered that I had not responded to him.”

How come he didn’t respond? How many of you may have realized that angels may have woken you up in the middle of the night. Although you slept late but you got up fresh like the morning dew. And you got up wondering why you woke up. The first thing you did is to look at the clock. Not time to wake up yet and go back to sleep. Maybe an angel has woken you up. You’ve just missed it, O sleepy head.

And he says, “I remembered the occasion, and I remembered that I had not responded to him.

That afternoon I had been lying across the bed in my home trailer meditating and reading my bible, getting ready for the evening service. Suddenly I had a feeling that some one had come into the trailer. I looked, but couldn’t see anybody. But I was positive that some one had come in through the door. It even seemed that I had heard the door open and close. I sensed that someone came and stood beside the bed. I reached my hand to feel whatever might be there and said, “I know you are there. Who are you?”

There was no response. Although I never saw anyone, I sensed that someone stood there for a few moments, turned around, retraced his steps around the foot of the bed, and went up through the trailer and out the door.

Then I seemed to be led by the Spirit to open my bible and read about the ministry of angels. I felt that an angel had come to me, but I had not opened my heart to that visitation.

Now here is Jesus standing in front of him saying one year ago his angel came to him while he was out in California and he had not responded. The Lord continued and talked to him and said, “I sent my angel to warn you again when you were out in California, because I saw that you hadn’t listened to the leading of my Spirit and didn’t respond to the warning.”

So God speaks to you first through the Holy Spirit. Now you understand why the angels don’t have to appear all the time. When you are obedient to God in being led by your inward witness and the Holy Spirit, the angels need not come again because you were obedient. So if you don’t see any angels doesn’t mean that you are in disobedience. If you are walking in the Spirit obeying your inward witness 100% all the time you may not have a single angelic encounter in your life, because you were obedient not because you were disobedient.

If you had yielded to the Holy Spirit (we can’t see angels with the natural eye unless God so wills for they are spirits) you would have been able to see into the realm of the spirit. By the discerning of spirits you would have seen the angel, and he would have delivered his message to you. If you had received it, you would have been spared all this financial troubles.

The main point that I want to bring forth in this passage here is this: if you had yielded to this angel and if you had responded to the Holy Spirit, then you would have seen into the realm of the spirits by the discerning of spirits.

Two things, if you have yielded to the work of this angel, if you had responded to the Holy Spirit. How come he didn’t respond? He was meditating on the bible. He was praying for the evening meeting. Remember what he said when the angel came, he questioned the angel, “I know you are there. Who are you?” Without faith it is impossible to please God. If you feel the presence of an angel and you don’t know it is an angel and you think it is the devil, then definitely you are not spiritually ready. If you can’t tell the difference between the presence of a demon and a presence of an angel, you are not ready. You have not developed in your sensing. How should he have yielded? He would say O God I know it is you. See God waits for an affirmation. Some of us just think that if angels came with messages that we will just get it. We have to be in the right disposition to receive them.

Agung Bangau, a tribal Christian in East Malaysia who headed a mighty revival there in the 1980s, shared how he first had an angelic encounter. He heard a voice. He couldn’t see who was speaking to him. A voice started telling him what to do. Then he says, “If you are of God you will not be afraid of showing yourself.” And the angel appeared to him. He says he looked like one of the tribal people. I wonder how many angels have visited you that you have not responded to. And you cannot respond without the help of the Holy Spirit. But it is possible to have God’s visitation to your life and you are not aware of it. You missed it altogether. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

I have some thing else for the second service. I just give you a little bit of it. Just a short little account here. Here is this person who is about to get into heaven. This sister shared, “He spoke to me in the spirit as I was being translated to heaven. He said, “Enter into my gates with thanksgiving and into my courts with praise.” In that very second I saw the pearly gates with many colors. These gates were huge column decorated with sculptures across the top, which arch together in a semi-circle over the door to form an opening. Below and in between those gates was one golden door, which fit into those gates. It was filled with beautiful sculptures. I could notice this because I was a sculptress at one time. Around the outside edge of the door where it fit into the arch column and down to the center of it a brilliant golden, orange and yellow lights were shining through it. When I first came to these gates through a mist, it makes the gates look like they were oyster shells pearls. After observing all these details the doors began to open inward. The immensity of the doors was evident because of the smallest of the figures I saw standing inside the door. When these doors opened the Shekinah glory of God shown in such brilliance. It was like looking at the sun without burning your eyes out. When I began to pass through those gates I cried out, “O Lord I am afraid.” Immediately I was conscious of kneeling on the cold terrazzo floor in the room of the hostel. Why I was afraid I couldn’t understand. Maybe it was the awesomeness of that occasion. The next minute I really blew it because I was fearful.

She was about to see heaven. Just as she was about to enter fear came and she was brought down right to earth. Fear cannot exist with God. In the second series I talk about perfecting love. Why perfect love cast out fear. And why we should have relationship with one another. Why people who find it hard to love other people will find it hard also to enter heaven. I mean we enter heaven by salvation in Jesus Christ. But I am talking about visions of heaven. If you don’t have perfect love you would still have fear in your life. So we see that where fear is faith cannot come. We need faith to respond to God. Faith to let the angels work in our lives. Remember in every thing you do you have a choice. When you speak in tongues, you could doubt your tongues. You have the free will to doubt your own tongues. The moment you do, if your tongue came from the Spirit, the Spirit becomes grieved and you find no more release. You could have a dream or a revelation that comes from God and then doubt whether it was God. And it will block the blessings of God. Remember no matter how many revelations you have, no matter how supernatural they are, you still need to learn to walk by faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

Now this is the part where we want to read and bring forth principles and close here on the work of the angels. And here is before the Israelites fell. Some times we think that all the Israelites are waiting there and they waited very long. And that is the only reason why they went and made the golden calf. That is true but do you know how much manifestations were there while they fell. The mountain and the smoke of glory were there all the time. They never ever disappeared throughout the 40 days and 40 nights. Now I can understand why Moses could go without food and water for 40 days and 40 nights. There was such glory.

Look at Exod. 24:9-18 Then Moses and Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel went up, and they saw the God of Israel; and there was under his feet as it were a pavement of sapphire stone, like the very heaven for clearness. And he did not lay his hand on the chief men of the people of Israel; they beheld God, and ate and drank. The Lord said to Moses, “Come up to me on the mountain, and wait there; and I will give you the tables of stone, with the law and the commandment, which I have written for their instruction.” So Moses rose with his servant Joshua, and Moses went up into the mountain of God. And he said to the elders, “Tarry here for us, until we come to you again; and behold, Aaron and Hur are with you; whoever has a curse let him go to them.” Then Moses went up on the mountain, and the cloud covered the mountain. The glory of the Lord settled on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days; and on the seventh day he called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud. Now the appearance of the glory of the Lord was like a devouring fire on the top of the mountain in the sight of the people of Israel. And Moses entered the cloud, and went up on the mountain. And Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights.

The cloud was visible for 40 days and 40 nights and yet the Israelites make a golden calf. I mean it’s just like suddenly a fire appeared over the platform and everyone was worshiping God. And that supernatural fire lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. Then people started taking it lightly. No wonder God killed them. With such manifestation, they were still not in fear of God. They were still not caught up by the fear of God. They made a golden calf and they started eating and drinking in the presence of God. They deserve to die. There were some things happening. We are living in times of revival. We do not have many years to Jesus’ coming. And God is preparing the last days revival. We want to be a part of it. Lets flow with what God is saying.

Then when God was angry with them, He started talking to Moses in chapter 32 about judgment coming on to the people. Then Moses came down in chapter 32 and in one day 3000 people died. Chapter 33:1-3 The Lord said to Moses, “Depart, go up hence, you and the people whom you have brought up out of the land of Egypt, to the land of which I swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, saying, “To your descendants I will give it.” And I will send My Angel before you, and I will drive out the Canaanite, the Amorite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite. Go up to the land flowing with milk and honey; but I will not go up among you, lest I consume you in the way, for you are a stiff-necked people.”

Now God said, “My angel will go with you but I myself will not go.” That is very strange. He already talked about sending His angels earlier we saw in chapter 23 and here is where we do a little separation. There is a difference the presence of God and the angel of God although the angel of God and the presence of God seems to be together. Now God said, “Let My Angel go.” So there is a degree of His manifested presence. So Moses took his tent and moved his tent out from everybody and God appeared in his tent as a symbol of God rejecting the people; He only talk with Moses. Then Moses asked for God’s mercy. Then when God showed His glory to His people.

Moses was very smart as an intercessor. Chapter 34:9 And he said, “If now, I have found favor in thy sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray thee, go in the midst of us, although it is a stiff-necked people; and pardon our iniquity and our sin, and take us for Thy inheritance.”

Moses said to God, God come and dwell inside us. Then the Lord replied in verse 10 And He said, “Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels, such as have not been wrought in all the earth or in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the Lord; for it is a terrible thing that I will do with you.

I believe that God answered Moses prayer. He came down into their midst. Now the people were in sin and they were not perfect; they were stiff-necked. And here Moses asked for God’s presence and God answered. What was His answer? I will make a covenant with you. And from that time onwards God has shown the people who honors His covenant His presence will work with them.

The first thing we do is to separate the work of the angels and the presence of God. They are both inter-related but not quite the same. The 2 cherubim standing on the 2 sides of the mercy seat were not the Mercy Seat. They were part of the furniture. There is another place called the Mercy Seat. And the cherubim faced the Mercy Seat because the cherubim’s work is to direct you there all the time. And you remember king David when he numbered the people and destruction started falling, when God show mercy and compassion and stop the plague, David made a sacrifice to the Lord and on the spot where God showed mercy and the plague stopped David marked it as the place to build the temple, the covenant of God. So here we have a relationship between the work of angels and the Mercy Seat. The Mercy Seat is where God’s presence is. The angels seek to conform to that covenant. He is called some times the angel of the covenant.

Now as we work with God and we look at the power of angels, we see a tremendous work here. That all the works of the angels that they come to bring forth at each place and each time of their manifestation it has been to turn their faces towards the covenant. They turn God’s people towards the covenant. And the cherubim are in the last piece of the furniture. You know what were the earlier pieces of furniture? The other 5 pieces of the furniture are firstly, the brazen altar, representing the blood. If you don’t come through the blood the angels cannot work in your life. Secondly is the laver, which represents the washing with the Word of God. Thirdly is the candlestick, representing the Holy Spirit. Fourthly is the table of showbread, representing the Name of Jesus. And lastly is the altar of incense, representing the power of praise and worship. Do you notice the progression before the Holy of holies?

For the angels to work in our life we must give place for all these things to be in our life. All these other principles relate to the covenant for the angels to work. And all these ceremonies outside you could summarize it in the principles of faith. In Christ faith fulfill every thing. Faith in the Blood, faith in the Word, faith in the gifts of the Spirit, faith in the Name of Jesus, faith in the power of prayer and worship. Without faith it is impossible to please God. You must have faith in all those things that God does in your life. You must have faith in the gifts that God have given you in your life. You must have faith that when you have sinned and you confess God cleanses them. You must have faith when God operates in your life through dreams, visions or gifts of the Spirit. You must have faith when God speaks to you in a prophecy that is from Him. Remember the author of Hebrews explained very clearly that the only thing that blocked the Jews from going into that rest is that they did not hear the Word mixed with faith.

Kenneth Hagin did not respond and the main thing is he did not have faith. He said I know you are there. Who are you? Faith doesn’t ask, “Who are you?” That is the summary of why he didn’t respond. What does it mean by yielding. Yielding means to believe without seeing. Faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen. Faith must come before seeing. If you have faith it lead you into the realm of seeing. You must have faith in the voice of the angel speaking to you even if you don’t see them. In the things that the angels instruct you in your life even though you don’t see them. In the directions they give to you in your life even though you don’t see them. And you must recognize what it is so that they could work in your life. But don’t stop there. They are to lead you into the presence of God. If angels have started working in your life don’t stop there. Angels carry the presence of God but they are different from the presence of God.

Moses was good enough to say, “Lord, even though you promised your angels to go with us and we will still have success, but we want you to be in the midst of us.” From that day onwards Moses’ face shone because he desired God’s presence. It didn’t shine once according to the book of Exod. 34:35 The people of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses’ face shone; and Moses would put the veil upon his face again. Did you see the word again? So that tells me that when he came down from the mount the second time his face was shining. And then after some time maybe the shining part slowly disappeared. But every time he went up and speak in God’s presence in the tent his face was shining again. The angels have come to help us bring the glory of God so that people can look at you and say the glory of God is on your life.

Paul said in II Cor. 3: 7-8 But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious?

We have a greater glory than Moses and we need to move into this greater glory. But this is the strange thing. You cannot move in without the help of the angels. That is why the 2 cherubim were there hovering over the Mercy Seat. You need to co-operate with the angels to usher in the greatest and awesome revival coming on the face of the earth. God is releasing His greatest glory in the church yet ever seen in the world. And we need the help of the angels to bring us to that place and point. So that with the help of the angels and the Holy Spirit we can enter into the glory that we have never entered before.

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